
Desert Springs Melon Farm
With funding from the Aboriginals Benefit Account, Centrefarm project designed and managed the development of a bore field to service leases on the Warrabri Aboriginal Land Trust. The project included drilling, pump testing, strata and water sampling and analysis, hydrogeological assessment and the preparation of an operational and monitoring plan. The original agreement was for 12 bores delivering 2000ML of water, but Centrefarm successfully managed the project to develop 21 bores (both production and monitoring) delivering up to 5000ML.
Desert Springs Melon Farm took up one of the leases in 2008 and manager Paul McLaughlin has been able to develop a highly successful horticultural development on the lease area, producing approximately 8000 tons of watermelons annually and Central Australia’s first commercial peanut harvest.
Centrefarm have a formal management agreement with Alekarenge Horticulture Pty Ltd (AHPL). AHPL is a wholly owned company of the Arlpwe Aboriginal Corporation and the Arlpwe Residents Aboriginal Corporation who represent the Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal people of Alekarenge community, on the Warrabri Aboriginal Land Trust. AHPL holds the Head Lease to Desert Springs Melon Farm and with the rental returns provides income for community purposes, training and capacity building.